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HomeHow to Remove Road Tar from Vehicle PaintHow to Remove Road Tar from Vehicle Paint

How to Remove Road Tar from Vehicle Paint

If you haven’t experienced the aftermath of driving on freshly tarred and chipped road we hope you never have to!

Sometimes road workers put out a sign “FRESH TAR and CHIPS” but often they don’t. You turn onto a road and WHAM you hear what sounds like rain but it’s not rain.. it’s tar and chips smacking off your vehicle’s nice paint job!

You think to yourself “My paint job is ruined!” and probably let out “a few expletive’s”

DON’T WORRY TOO MUCH! Although the chips CAN scratch your paint the tar can be removed fairly easily.

WD-40 is a low cost alternative to professional de-greaser. It weighs in at only $2.79 at Walmart compared to the $6 – $8 you can expect to pay for the de-greaser. WD-40 also has many other uses not only in the garage but around the house. Their manufacturer has even set up a section of their website to give you some ideas! https://wd40.com/uses-tips



  1. WD-40
  2. Clean Rags
  3. Time

Spray the WD-40 directly on to the tar that has STUCK to your vehicle’s paint.

WAIT – The longer you wait the easier it will be to wipe off the tar. About an hour or so should work depending on how thick the tar is and how much of it is on there.

Start wiping. You may need to use a little elbow grease to get tough spots off. If the tar is thick a second application may be needed.

That’s it!


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