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HomeIs Your Baby Driving for the First Time?Is Your Baby Driving for the First Time?

Is Your Baby Driving for the First Time?

Let them learn by example. Here are some tips to help your teens start their lifetime of driving SAFELY!


#1 – SET RULES & REWARDS – There are several places online to print out a teen-parent driving contract. It helps and is often more effective if the rules and rewards are printed in black and white.

#2 – SET & KEEP A SCHEDULE – Limit first time drivers to safer hours and conditions. The most accidents happen between 9pm and 6am. You can help your new driver learn by limiting their driving to “safer” road conditions and times of day.

#3 – LIMIT PASSENGERS and KNOW WHO IS IN THE VEHICLE – New drivers need to limit distractions and extra people in the car can add to confusion and distraction. You can incorporate the “extra passenger” exception into your contract. IE: Drive safely for 6 months and you can have a friend ride with you for a trial period.

#4 – NO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING – As a parent you probably already know how annoying it can be to watch your child’s nose pointing at their phones practically every hour they are awake. There are some great apps to help you, the parent, track and even prevent your new driver from texting while driving like LIFESAVER and DOWN FOR THE COUNT apps.

#5 – SET AN EXAMPLE – More then half of teens learn to drive from their parents. Maybe it’s time to brush up on your driving skill too! TAKE A PRACTICE TEST.


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