Staying Warm if the Electricity Goes Out
If you have never experienced a power outage during winter months you may wonder “How am I supposed to keep warm?”.
Here are a few suggestions:
CLOSE OFF UNUSED ROOMS – It’s best to huddle down in a centrally located room next to or near the bathroom to conserve warmth. Hang up blankets or curtains to block off other rooms if you have to.
NOTE: If you think you are in for a long siege you may want to prevent water pipes from freezing while you are trying to keep you and your family warm. Shut off the main water supply (where the water comes into your house) then open all valves and faucets to allow most of the water to drain. Some water may be left in the pipes which might freeze but pipes full of water that freeze can cause a much larger repair job than “some” of the pipes freezing.
BUNDLE UP – Put on layers of clothing to help keep your core body temperature warm. Cover your head with a hat or scarf and keep your hands warm to prevent frostbite.
FIRE – ALWAYS be careful when you light a flame in your house whether it is for a candle or fireplace. Fire from a few candles can warm up the frigid air inside the room. If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace and it is regularly maintained this can be the best source for heat.
INVEST IN A HOT WATER BOTTLE or a FEW HOT WATER BOTTLES – If you have a gas stove you can light your top burners long enough to warm up your hands and feet but USE THE STOVE SPARINGLY as an open flame can often increase carbon monoxide inside your home. I have been stuck in a NO POWER situation before and I found it’s a good thing to boil water on top of the stove. Once the water is boiled you can pour it into hot water bottles to stay warm while you shut off the stove giving you an extended amount of time to keep warm.