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HomeUnwanted guests in your vehicle?Unwanted guests in your vehicle?

Unwanted guests in your vehicle?

Those of us who live in a rural area have more to worry about than just vehicle maintenance especially if we are lucky enough to have more than one vehicle. Having a “spare” vehicle or even one pretty classic car can mean that vehicle will sit for extended periods of time either in the garage, storage unit or simply in our driveway. Leaving a vehicle sit for a long time without moving it can be a big red flag or “invitation” to mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, etc.. Any “critter” who finds a sheltered, dark place attractive.


#1 – If your vehicle is in a garage or storage unit it may be helpful to leave the hood open. Critters tend to like dark places for their nests.

#2 – Keep food and nesting materials (junk mail, newspapers, tissues, etc.) out of your vehicle.

#3 – Start your vehicle at least once per week and inspect under the hood and interior for signs of “guests”.

#4 – Block openings and even set some traps. Some vehicle owners set traps on top of the tires since that is the way UP from the ground.

#5 – Use electronic deterrent devices like strobes and ultrasound devices. You can either pick those up at your local department store or order some online.

#6 – Make your vehicle entrances smell “bad” to the potential tenants. Different products can deter different critters. IE: Peppermint oil, ammonia, red pepper, predator urine, even some of your dogs hair can help. Experiment and see what works best for you.


#1 – Set traps inside your vehicle. Regular, cheap mice and rat traps are best. I know it sounds inhumane but if you are not willing to go the extra mile and relocate you living, trapped critter live traps can be a greater nuisance than the traditional method.

POISON – Word of caution. If you have domestic animals near your vehicle a poisoned critter is a tasty treat for them and will harm or even kill them. Use poison with caution.

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