Ain’t No Sunshine…
Winter is a dreary and DARK time especially when you are driving to work in the DARK. Those of us who suffer from the winter blues or “winter tiredness” have to battle our sleepy eyes to stay on schedule.
When there is little to no light our bodies release chemicals which help us sleep but it is highly inconvenient when we have to drive to work in the dark.
#1 – Get as much sunlight as you can during the day. Take a walk or even purchase a UVB light. Place it where you spend the most time. IE: bedside table, beside your comfy living room chair. Some employers will allow one at work too.
#2 – Get some sleep. We all need sleep but we really need to make sure we get enough during winter months to avoid feeling tired to and from work.
#3 – Use common sense – Have you ever driven down the same road you travel every day and wonder “how did I ever get where I was going?” Don’t remember how you got there? It’s time to re-evaluate your sleeping habits and possibly make a trip to the doc. You might be low on Vitamin D or need to “fix” other sleep related issues. If you are truly feeling too tired to drive a short “nap” can re energize you enough to make it there.
#4 – Caffeine – Depending on your health a little caffeine can go a long way.
#5 – This one is my own trick and it seems to work well. KEEP YOUR VEHICLE COLD when driving. A warm, cozy vehicle will only help you fall asleep. Keeping your vehicle cold or opening a window for a time will help you avoid falling asleep while driving.
#6 – LOUD MUSIC – Crank up your tunes and sing along with your favorite band.
#7 – Pull over and do some “activity” outdoors. Stretching, jumping jacks even a short walk will refresh you.
What “tricks” do you use to stay awake while driving?